

  1. Introduction: What is CybARverse?

CybARverse is a strategic partnership project funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union. Digital literacy along with a responsible and safe use of technology is promoted by the Digital Education Action Plan (Action 7).

This project supports cybersecurity awareness and literacy in a more efficient way, as well as to transfer knowledge to professional competences by making use of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR).

CybARverse aims to promote professional, personal, and digital skills among VET teachers and trainers for the field of cybersecurity, to provide a structured qualification of up to 80 VET teachers and trainers to become cybersecurity aware and literate and to ensure the sustainability of the project results. The project aims to see the creation of a CybARverse Academy.


  • To promote professional, personal, and digital skills among VET teachers and trainers in the field of cybersecurity
  • To incorporate modern and immersive technologies into VET cybersecurity training
  • Structured qualification of up to 80 VET teachers and trainers to become cybersecurity aware and literate
  • To ensure the sustainability of the project results
  1. Website

The website of the CybARverse has been launched!

The website showcases the contributions of all five partners involved in the CybARverse project and their respective roles within the tech industry. Additionally, it provides comprehensive details regarding the 10-week cybersecurity course designed specifically for VET trainers.

Visit now on and be part of this community and connect with like-minded professionals by visiting our website today!

  1. What are the Qualification needs among VET Teachers and Trainers?

During May and June 2023, a survey was carried out to determine the qualification needs among VET and non-VET teachers and trainers concerning technical and pedagogical needs to integrate digital media and cybersecurity training into existing teaching and learning environments. This served as the second level validation of the CybARverse qualification concept.

The creation of the survey follows a session review of the 14 evaluators recommendations for the improvement of the project during the first transnational meeting held in Malta. In this regard, a qualification concept was developed, to which then, these Pedagogical guidelines will lead up to the 16 cybersecurity matrices and scenarios.

Following the surveys, each partner has conducted five interviews with experts in their respective local fields. These interviews have brought further insights in the field of AR and VR technology, and Cybersecurity from leading professionals.

  1. Calendar of Events

 25 & 26 January 2023

1st Transnational Partners Meeting in Malta hosted by

18 – 19 July 2023

Second Transnational Project Meeting in Limassol, Cyprus 

  1. Partners

 Project Coordinator

 Langas i ateiti (Lithuania)




S.C.P Serv Limited (Cyprus)                Cyprus Computer Society (Cyprus)                (Malta)

Fundatia EOS – Educating for an Open Society (Romania)ne